Spray foam insulaton in Austin


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BioTex Foam Insulation in Liberty Hills

This fast growing community has new schools, restaurants, and other businesses that BioTex is happy to work with. BioTex Foam is spending a lot of time in Liberty Hill.

From older homes to new construction BioTex Foam is helping save energy in Liberty Hill. Some houses are getting the full insulation treatment of walls and ceiling and some are only getting an attic insulated, but all will be saving energy and money. BioTex Foam is experienced and will give you a fair price for spray foaming your house.

Summers in Liberty Hill is always hot and it looks like they are going to keep getting hotter. A foam barrier between the hot Texas sun and the inside of your house is the key to comfortable living and low utility bills. We provide a level of foam so the heat from the outside never penetrates to the inside wall (or ceiling) of your home. You do not need to suffer the heat in the summer to keep your electric bill low.

Nothing to date guards against the Texas sun like foam insulation. It insulates and seals, preventing your cool, air conditioned air from escaping. Even in the middle of summer, with a BioTex foam insulated home, you can shut your air conditioner at night, and the temperature in your house will barely drop. That is the power of BioTex foam insulation.

Jared Amon has spent his entire life in Central Texas. Jared has many years installing spray foam insulation. He knows the people and the ins and outs of working with construction crews and on home projects. "You are either part of the solution or part of the problem. I never want anyone waiting or complaining about me." Jared said.

Liberty Hill, TX Incorporated 1999

Advantages of foam insulation:

  • quiet
  • insulates
  • safe:
    • Does not attract rodents or other animals
    • Does not shed particles of glass or anything else into the air.
    • Does not release toxic gases or release harmful chemicals into the soil.
  • more comfortable than traditional insulated homes
  • healthier than home without foam insulation.
    • Foam insulation seals out pollens and allergens.
    • Temperatures are maintained and noises reduced